Only pharmacyEXTRA provides independently owned pharmacies with industry leading resources and programmes

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New Zealand’s National Network of Community Pharmacies

Everything for independents

pharmacyEXTRA is a growing suite of products to help you build and promote your business. Whether it’s a new website, social media promotion or an insight into how your retail business is performing we’ve got you covered. Check out the summaries below and click the logos for more information.

Using our proprietary EASY-POST system, a few minutes a month is all it takes to connect to your customers via social media with a mix of rich and engaging content curated by pharmacyEXTRA specifically for independent pharmacies.

Build an engaged customer email list easily and effortlessly. pharmacyEXTRA provides the tools and infrastructure to let you keep connected with your customers with a monthly email newsletter that you control but don’t have to create.

Take control of your retail business with pharmacyEXTRA.insights. Each month we provide you with a concise, comprehensive PDF report emailed to you with insights about your business from analysis of your Toniq POS system.

Let us create a website for your pharmacy that includes everything you need and nothing you don’t. Choose from a curated range of templates, fonts and palettes to get up and running quickly.

Patient education for your customers delivered by leading New Zealand specialists on a range of topics. Being part of is as simple as clicking a button and we take care of the rest hosting the meeting on Zoom.

Getting started

Signing up to pharmacyEXTRA is free to stay in touch with our services.

For latest pharmacy pricing information contact us using the button below.

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