DATAPHARM Limited Privacy Policy

Last updated August 31st, 2023

1)   Introduction

DATAPHARM Limited (NZBN 9429046421388) and its subsidiaries (“pharmacyEXTRA”) are committed to responsible privacy practices and to complying with the Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act 2020 (“Privacy Act”).

This Privacy Policy sets out our policies on the management of personal information including how we collect personal information, the purposes for which we use this information, and to whom this information is disclosed. We may change our Privacy Policy from time to time at our discretion. At any time, the latest version of our Privacy Policy is available from our website at

This Privacy Policy primarily uses the word “you” to refer to pharmacists.  In cases where we want to highlight specific considerations for customers of community pharmacies we draw attention to this by using bold text.

2) What is personal information?

In this Privacy Policy, “personal information” has the meaning set out in the Privacy Act. Essentially, personal information is information about an identifiable, living person.

3) What types of personal information does DATAPHARM collect?

DATAPHARM may collect contact details including your name, occupation, address, email address, and contact phone numbers. We may collect answers you provide to questions we ask and other information in relation to your dealings with DATAPHARM.

If you are a customer of a community pharmacy we will ask for the name of the community pharmacy you want to connect with to receive up to date health information and education.

If you purchase certain products or services from us we may, with your express permission, also collect certain transactional information from you relating to your business activities. This transactional information in most cases will contain no personal information. In some cases this transactional information will contain personal information of your customers.

When you use our websites, we may collect website usage information such as the IP address you are using, the name of your Internet service provider, your browser version, the web site that referred you to us and the next website you go to, the pages you request, the date and time of those requests and the country you are in.

In addition to the types of personal information identified above, DATAPHARM may collect aggregated analytic information from Facebook pages that you control.

4) How do we collect your personal information?

DATAPHARM collects personal information in a number of ways. The most common ways we collect your personal information are:

  • directly from you when you provide it to us or our agents or contractors;

  • via our website or when you deal with us online (including through our social media pages);

  • via software platforms you operate in your business that provide us with information you have agreed to release to us;

  • from publicly available sources;

  • from our related companies;

5) For what purposes do we collect your personal information?

The purposes for which we use your personal information will depend on the circumstances in which we collect it.  Whenever practical we endeavour to inform you why we are collecting your personal information, how we intend to use that information and if, why and to whom we intend to disclose it at the time we collect your personal information.

If you are a customer of a community pharmacy we will send you digital communications from your nominated community pharmacy.

In general we collect, use and disclose your personal information so that we can do business together and for purposes connected with our business operations.

Some of the specific purposes for which we collect, use and disclose personal information are:

  • for the purposes for which we collected it (and certain secondary purposes where permitted by law);

  • for other purposes to which you have consented; and

  • as otherwise authorised or required by law.

  • to respond to you if you have requested information (including via our websites or via an email or other correspondence you send to us);

  • to provide goods or services to you or to receive goods or services from you;

  • to administer and manage services, including charging, billing and collecting debts;

  • to improve our products and services and keep you up to date on such improvements;

  • to understand our customer base and help tailor our products and services;

  • to allow performance reporting and benchmarking of our business;

  • to contact you (directly or through our service providers) to obtain your feedback, to find out your level of satisfaction with our products and services and for other market research activities;

  • to verify your identity;

  • to address any issues or complaints that we or you have regarding our relationship; and

  • to contact you regarding the above, including via electronic messaging such as SMS and email, by mail, by phone, by fax or in any other lawful manner.

6) Who do we share your personal information with?

We share your personal information with our trusted partners, staff, contractors and agents. These persons and entities only have access to your personal information when there is a clear business need for that person to have access in order to perform their duties and responsibilities.

We may also use and disclose your personal information for the purpose of direct marketing to you where direct marketing involves communicating directly with you for the purpose of promoting goods or services to you and to provide you with reminders, information or assistance so that we can do business together. You can unsubscribe from our direct marketing, or change your contact preferences usually in each specific instance of direct marketing, or by contacting us (see section 10 of this Privacy Policy).

If you are a customer of a community pharmacy we may in certain limited circumstances disclose your personal information to your nominated community pharmacy.

We will not disclose personal information relating to your customers to any party without your consent in writing.

7) What happens if you don’t provide personal information?

Generally, you have no obligation to provide any personal information requested by us. However, if you choose to withhold requested personal information, we may not be able to provide you with products and services that depend on the collection of that information.

8) Accuracy of the personal information we hold

You have the right to ask for a copy of any personal information we hold about you, and to ask for it to be corrected if you think it is wrong. We try to maintain your personal information as accurately as reasonably possible. We rely on the accuracy of personal information as provided to us both directly (from you) and indirectly. 

If you become aware that any personal information we hold about you is incorrect or if you wish to update your information, please contact us (see section 10 of this Privacy Policy). In most cases you have the option of updating personal information we hold about you directly on our websites by editing your profile.

9) Queries, comments and complaints about our handling of personal information

If you have any questions, comments or complaints about our collection, use or disclosure of personal information, or if you believe that we have not complied with this Privacy Policy or the Privacy Act please contact us (see section 10 of this Privacy Policy).

When contacting us please provide as much detail as possible in relation to your question, comment or complaint.

DATAPHARM will take any privacy complaint seriously and any complaint will be assessed by an appropriate person with the aim of resolving any issue in a timely and efficient manner. We request that you cooperate with us during this process and provide us with any relevant information that we may need.

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of our assessment of your complaint, you may wish to contact the Privacy Commissioner (click here for information).

10) How can you contact us?

Please address all privacy complaints and requests to update or access information to:

Attention: Privacy Officer
PO Box 125071
St Heliers
Auckland 1010