Mark Morrison Mark Morrison

Navigating Menopause

Menopause is a significant milestone in every woman’s life, typically occurring between the ages of 45 and 55, though it can happen earlier or later. Pharmacists frequently have conversations with women experiencing menopause, many of whom are searching for guidance on how to manage the various physical and emotional symptoms that accompany this phase.

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Mark Morrison Mark Morrison

Men’s Health

Pharmacists often find themselves discussing a wide range of health topics with men, from the basics of physical fitness to more specific issues like prostate health. Men’s health can sometimes be overlooked, especially when it comes to preventative care. Below, we’ll share some key advice to help men maintain their health, with a particular focus on prostate care.

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Mark Morrison Mark Morrison

Battling Winter Coughs and Colds

Winter is the dreaded season of coughs and colds. As temperatures drop, the incidence of respiratory infections rises, leaving many of us grappling with congestion, sore throats, and general malaise. As a pharmacist, I often encounter patients seeking relief and advice on how to manage these common ailments effectively. Here, I’ll share some professional insights on preventing, managing, and treating winter coughs and colds.

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